
Monday, February 11, 2013

A Quick Weekend Upgrade

Sunday Mornings...
...are very special in my little family.  It's our only weekend day together.  We always spend a few minutes in bed together snuggling and watching cartoons before we get up.  I look forward to that time together all week!  
After we've had breakfast together, we usually have an errand we need to run.  This Sunday I needed to go to Lowe's to get a board for an Etsy Order I needed to complete (unfortunately I could not come up with a piece of reclaimed wood to use).  
I always find some amazing deal on their clearance rack, so I can't pass up looking- this visit I found these adorable mini accent lamps for only $3!!! Check out your Lowe's to see if there are any left!
Lowe's is one of Madisyn's favorite places to explore- she found a radio at her level that was super fun to the push buttons!
Anyhow, I got my wood I needed and we headed home. 


Kyle has this innate need to be organized.  I do as well, but I would rather work on a project than reorganize the garage every weekend.  I know that its always my "amazing finds" that clutter the garage until I come up with the perfect way to re-purpose it, so I try to be sympathetic and work with him when he needs the garage to be organized again.  Compromising, rather than work on the projects I needed to finish, I helped him find a home for each piece of my random "junk".  
In the process I came across two casters we had taken off of a rusty old shopping cart that was left at Kyle's work.  The casters were too good for me to let him throw away- so I stashed them in an organizer drawer a couple years ago.  
I reminded him that we had them, and he reminded me that he had found two more. "Four Casters?!", I thought, and an AMAZING idea popped into my head to make life easier for me.  
We have a small garage, and I have a new car, so I try to park it in the garage as much as possible to keep it in good condition.  With our growing collection of woodworking tools and as "junk" accumulates, space gets tight.  We have our chop saw (by far my FAVORITE tool in the garage) on a wood stand we built for it.  But its heavy and hard to move.  In order for me to park in the garage, the stand has to be pushed up against our paint shelf.  So when I want to use the chop saw, I have to pull it out each time.  Such a pain.  

And a Solution

These four casters could go on the bottom of our chop saw stand, so that when I need to use it, I can easily pull it out!
10 minutes later, we had a stand on wheels!
I hope you had a chance to do something to make life easier this weekend as well!  If not, make time today (just a few minutes can make a difference!)  If and when you do, I'd love to hear what your quick upgrade was- please leave a comment below!  Maybe I'll share your story!

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