
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

An Introduction

First Blog....

Hello there friends!  I am so excited to be starting a blog, after wanting to inspire my friends, family and fans for such a long time, I am FINALLY doing it!  HOORAY!  This post, is no doubt going to be the hardest I write, I am sure.  I thought I would start off by introducing you to myself, my family and my business (everything that comprises the bunch).
Well, my name is Tracie.  I am married to truly amazing man who supports my junking and crafting addictions with such good sport, and even participates on a regular basis (Kyle).  He inspires me, and so does my daughter, Madisyn.  She is barely 16 months old and I can already tell she will be an artist or crafter herself, she already LOVES to draw.

the bunch is our business.  It has taken on a few different forms since 2005 when it hatched as a retail store-front in Historic Fairhaven (Bellingham, WA).  Less than a year had gone by since I graduated from college, and I decided I was going to work for myself.  I created the bunch's bath & body product line and opened the store front as a "hand crafted art gallery" with a variety of contributing artists and the Lavender Products from my Family's Lavender Farm.  the bunch's fan base grew and we moved to a prime street front location the next year and enjoyed developing the business.  

With the downturn of the economy's affect on a small shopping village, I decided to close the boutique before the business couldn't survive.  Since 2008, the bunch has been operating as an online retail and wholesale business.  We've branched out from handcrafting only bath & body products to now styling everything from applique'd onesies and boutique quality blankets to barn-wood signs and furniture.  And let me tell you, IT IS SOOO FUN!

We've been successful with our Etsy Shop, have dabbled in the Junk Show Circuit here in Seattle, and have pushed forward with our bath and body line landing accounts such as Made in Washington!
the bunch is very excited to see what the future has in store with this blog.  I have already wrote several blog posts that I am saving for the perfect time in the future to post them (such as Strawberry season).  

For now, this is us.  Thank you for reading and I can't wait to inspire you with Tutorial Galore- a little bit cooking, a tiny bit baking, woodworking, organization, design, decor and MORE!

More Soon,

p.s. Our website is having technical difficulties = ( .  We hope you'll want to check us out, but unfortunately today is not the day.  I hope to have it back up tomorrow, so please try then!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that you've launched! Looking forward to seeing all of your tutorials and the projects that you're working on.
