
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Quick Pillow Slip Cover- A Borrowed Tutorial

Good Afternoon Friends!
I found a little time (little is all it took) during Nap Time today to FINALLY redo our couch pillows.
The ones I had previously were just too large, and the fabric had gotten really yucky from one now 18 month old spit-upper. It was time for an upgrade!

When I purchased my fabric for my dining room chairs I made sure I would have enough left-overs to do pillows to match.  (Haven't seen my dining room chair makeover?!  You can find it here!)  I love the idea of tying together my living room and dining room through fabric!

The tutorial I used was by Make It and Love It.  You can find it here!  I am excited about the benefit of this being a slip-cover so I can take them off and wash them if I need to!  I hope to get more life out of these pillows than the ones I had before!

What do you think?!  The cheery fabric adds a lot to the room!  I think it makes our family photos on the wall pop too!

 I took some close-up's so you could see how the slip cover works- its two pieces of fabric that overlap like an envelope!

My husband and I do a lot of lounging on the couch in the evenings, so it was important to me that these pillows be comfy to use, and look cute.  I purchased the pillow forms from IKEA.  They are filled with real down and were only $14 each, I think?

I am craving a little fun and funky accent, however- and I do have some smaller pillow forms I am not using- I think I'll have to experiment with some burlap lace during a nap time, sometime soon!

Have a great afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. They turned out great. You've inspired me to get mine done, too.
